AWDPI Focus Areas

Vision: To partner with government agencies, research institutes, social organizations and media on anti-gender violence initiatives. Enhance people’s awareness of challenges faced by AAPI women overseas through media campaigns, legislative efforts, and calls to action.


  • Case Studies: Focused case studies on gender violence and gender-related challenges

  • Region-Specific Research: Research on the state of gender violence in specific countries/regions

  • Public Awareness: Raise public awareness of the survival and development challenges faced by AAPI women through collaboration with related organizations

  • Policy and Legislative Efforts: Conduct empirically-based policy research to urge governments around the world to improve and change their policy on protecting, supporting, and empowering women

Background: Originally AVOICE (Against Violence to Overseas Chinese Women Program) , AWDPI now plans to offer full-spectrum support for AAPI women overseas.

Goal: Build a comprehensive, responsive, and effective aid network for Asian women suffering from gender violence and domestic violence.


  • Language support: Multi-language translation service | ASL

  • Legal Aid: Case intervention and pro-bono service | Basic Legal Help pamphlet

  • Psychological Counseling: Tailored counseling | PTSD aid

  • Shelter: Domestic Violence Shelter

  • Humanitarian Interest Story: Record survivor stories | Share aid agency management experience

  • Emergency Relief Fund: Provide emergency relief fund to relieve women from extreme poverty, illness, and unemployment

  • Global Aid Network: Global aid and resources network | Global aid resources partner network

Goals: Create a violence-free community for AAPI women, providing a platform for Asian women to communicate, study, share experiences, and support each other. Raise awareness and offer tips against gender violence, equipping them with tools towards better lives.


  • International Communities

    • Nation-based online AAPI women’s community

    • Form Asian women international community matrix

    • Organize gender equality, self-defense, legal basics workshops, and group counselling opportunities.

  • Women Support Groups

    • Establish offline women’s support groups

    • Organize book clubs, film screenings, fireside chats, and other local activities

    • Forge peer-to-peer support groups

  • Violence-free metaverse initiative

    • Partner with research institutes, DAO and NFT feminist to explore establishing non-violence standards in the metaverse

    • Create violence-free metaverse communities for Asian women

Goals: We aim to empower Asian women with leadership skills, supportive communities, and employment opportunities. We see a future where Asian women could realize their full potential, elevate their socioeconomic status, and increase their impact on this world.


  • Global Asian Women Development Forum

    • Annually held Global Asian Women Development Forum

    • Showcase Asian women’s achievements in sustainable development, science, economics and academia.

    • Showcase the challenges faced by Asian women living overseas as minorities facing intersectional bias of being both women and ethnic minorities)

    • Discuss and share experiences in promoting gender equality, minority protection and female empowerment

  • Female Leadership and Empowerment

    • Partner with corporations that champion female empowerment in building pathways for female success, and establishing female leadership programs.

    • Female leadership programs include workshops, expert panels, roundtable and other ways to “learn by doing”, aiming to cultivate participants’ communication skills, critical thinking ability and decision-making tools in order to achieve greater success in their careers.

  • Employment and Advancement Opportunities

    • Create a powerful network of experienced mentors from various industries and sectors, providing guidance on career planning, professional training and employment opportunities

    • Professional training and professionalism workshops

    • Create a network of female-friendly employers, and create equal employment opportunities for Asian women overseas